It could have worked, but here's the problem: personality. The kids are just a bunch of faces, you never get to know them and the dialogues is just words to fill out empty spaces. But I can live with that. Sometimes at least. The BIG problem comes when you're making a horror movie and just ignores to give the monsters/killers/whatever some personality. Even if you don't see them, they should have characters of their own. What we have here is just a gang of dudes with beards. Nothing else. I had problem keeping them apart anyway. And I didn't care when some of them got killed because it was pointless. If you don't know who they are, there's nothing to kill. Just wasted celluloid.Another negative thing is that it's a movie totally without nationality. Could be a good thing sometimes, but except the language this could be english, french, american, swedish, spanish... yes, even norwegian. There's no way to tell, and it's another proof that it lacks personality. It would be more interesting if norwegian culture where in the mix somehow. The killers eating kneipp or something ;)
On the plus-side: the directing is competent and it looks good and professional. Not talentless mega-shit like swedish slashers High School Massacre or Blödaren.The actors do a good work with a boring script and the gore is plenty and very graphic. I'm sure director Patrik Syversen will make a better movie next time, and if he makes Rovdyr 2 - I will buy it, because it can't get worse.
Okey, next review will be my ordinary positive self. I'm sorry.
I hate this movie. It sucks so freakin' hard.
And that comes from a real norwegian! :)
Quite a tiresome, derivative movie (as so many others, worldwide)... I'd prefer DEAD SNOW before this one, any day, Norwegian or not... ;-)
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