I lost most of my hope and happiness since this man started to write again. I don't even delete his postings anymore because there's no idea. He's just coming back. I tried the police, no luck. I traced his IP-adress, but of course that's impossible to because he's not using his own IP. I see no point in it all anymore.
The worst thing is that he's such a coward that he's hiding. I'm not hiding. He's don't dare to. It's both scary, and at the same time makes me the stronger person. Weird, very weird.
The Fifth Element (1997)
2 days ago
I'm sorry to hear this creep is still out there. Just ignore the cunt. As Dennis Hopper says in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 "They live on fear". Don't fear him, he's worthless and weak. Not worth your time.
Fy fan vilken sorglig existens. Jag håller med, slösa inte mer tid och energi på den där förvirrade idiotens begynnande mentalsjukdom, låt han skriva sina kommentarer om han tycker det är kul, ignorera att han finns. Enda trösten i sammanhanget är väl att tänka sig in i vilken total loser han garanterat är i verkligheten...
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