I don't usually do stuff like this, but the soundtrack for "Faceless", a single with the theme-song, has been OOP for many years now. I got this directly from France and though it's not my favorite song from this fantastic Jess Franco-movie, it's worth listening to.
The artist is Vincent Thoma (aka Vincenzo Thoma) and the composer is Romano Musumarra and "C. Welsman" (according to IMDB). There's the main theme with Vincent on song, and a more ambient instrumental version of it.
Today is a special day for me, two years since I met my boyfriend and photographic genius Gregory (you can see our photos here) and I thought this was good way to celebrate it :)
Thanks to Anneli who helped me rip the vinyl and thanks to Kit Gavin who found it for me (and guided me through that french site!). Kram to you both!
You can "listen" to it here, and if you think this is great, go get yourself your own copy of this rare single!
Great stuff, I had forgotten this tune, but upon hearing it recall hoping that it was a shitty George Michael discard. It sure is appalling, but hilarious little track.
Thanx for posting it, congrats, and have a safe and happy new year!
Excellent, I "friended" Vincenzo Thoma on Facebook and he sends continual updates. I doubt he will ever reach the heights of FACELESS again (for me at least), but it is a fun song from a great film.
Have a happy and safe New Years o' Shinobi of Sweden!
J & David: My pleasure! :)
I kinda like the track, but I bought it because I thought it was the full soundtrack on LP, but no... just a single. But you can't win them all!
Hello. I am putting together a Faceless Soundtrack Redux, utilising Vincent Thoma - 12" single Faceless Extended Version and Instrumental; Crystal Eyes and In The Heart Of The City (from CD Cine Music - Romano Musumarra); LP Carole Wiseman Just Imagination and Mais Que Bonita. Please - I need a WAV file of your 7" single B side Les Predateurs De La Nuit, or will you sell the single?
Here is what I have bought so far - Faceless Soundtrack Redux:
If you have a problem with something, just don't post here. And I'm not interested in selling anything.
Have a nice day.
Woah there buddy, no problem on my side. I had asked you to share a WAV file with me in order to expand the most complete version of the Faceless soundtrack, and also if you would be willing to sell the 7". Anyhow, you seemd to have taken offence, so my apologies.
The additional track 'les predateurs de la nuit' has now been located elsewhere and added to the above soundcloud link (in higher qulaity than your mp3), so alls well that end well!
Hope everyone can enjoy the Faceless soundtrack project - now just missing BGM/library music.
No problems, I just found this very unnecessary: "....tumbleweeds...". I would say rude, because I answer when I feel for it. It's my blog :)
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