Give me one good reason for me continuing this blog?
Maybe I should let it be and start over at some other place?
Woman Chasing the Butterfly of Death (1978)
12 hours ago
...There will everything from crazy asia, classic american exploitation, epics from a long time ago and some stuff in between.
...and English is NOT my first language, so if you're here ONLY to write comments about spelling and grammar: get the fuck away from here. The rest, you're the best! :)
We'll see what happens to this blog, but I hope it will be alive and well for a long, long time...
/Ninja Dixon (formerly known as Fredzilla)
Why do you want to quit all the time...?
And also, continuity is not something bad, its good.
The amount of great reviews written here, you can be very proud....and you should continue.
A simple message: continue, don´t stop or start over somewhere else.
This blog is great. Maybe you should post less but I enjoy it.
Because this blog is the best of all!
Do it for yourself like I'm going to brother.
Yeah, why do I want to quit this blog all the time? I write without love nowadays. I can't find anything interesting in movies, everything I've write has been written by someone else already.
I'm gonna take a break.
you sure do write alot about movies, don't think its healthy to watch as much as you do.
come back every now & then, but don't wither your life away in front of the telly
Skärp till dig, Dixon! Snart blir det käftsmäll om du inte tar dig samman. Cry baby-stajlen funkar inte längre, bit ihop och skriv vidare!
Ta ett steg tillbaka om det inte är kul. Har kört alla mina intressen i botten vid olika tidpunkter... "kult"filmsintresset tog flera år att hitta tillbaka till då jag överdoserade med 20 filmer i veckan. Hitta på nåt annat ett tag, köp ett tv-spel, börja måla tavlor eller skaffa barn som jag då kommer du längta till varje ledig timme
Because I said so?
Because that's what the Thai Ninjas would have wanted?
Not everything has been written, there are lots and lots of unknown movies just begging to be described by Ninja Dixon! It became a household name, so please don't change it - maybe modyfing the looks of the blog (for example different background colour) will help?
Do what makes you happy.
Know that your blog makes many others happy.
If you are bored, take a break.
Try changing format. Theme week was fun !
Write from a new perspective that you have made up. Pretend you are a Mexican elephant watching a Lucio Fulci movie.
I'll be back in a couple of data. Thanks for the support. Need to gather my thoughts, start writing my reviews in some other way :)
Couple of days
Börja skriv eller dö!
Requests for your next round of writing:
The Ninja Dixon "Alternate Universe" review: tells us how you wish the film had gone. Change the plot, alter the music, different actors, different era, different genre. Whatever!
Ninja Dixon Centipede Week: take the most interesting parts of the films you watched during a week to make up a new meaningful film.
Rashomon Dixon: review the film as if you were a very minor character listed at the end of the credits.
Thanks! I LOVE your ideas! Thanks!
I like this blog. Very informative.
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