During a secret experiment and mutated, radioactive killer-cat escapes from a research facility and somehow gets in the hands of a blonde chick who’s is going on a cruise together with mean multi-millionaire Alex Cord. He’s going to the Cayman Islands to hide away some money, and brings with him his closest man George Kennedy and goofy henchman Clu Gulager. It won’t take long until the cat, who’s actually is two cats – the mutated killer-cat is INSIDE the other one, and squeezes itself out from its hosts mouth! Yeah, that’s about it!
I’m not sure I’ve seen anything like this, at least not in American cinema. The best thing, and I always prefer that form of filmmaking, is that it’s not tongue-in-cheek. Everyone, except maybe the brilliant Gulager, plays it straight and serious and Clark goes for the jugular with some cheap but effective gore. It’s just that it’s a cat within a cat! And when it bites someone it infects that person with something so the skin starts to bubble and cracks in a bloody way!
Is it bad? No, it’s just very silly and cheap and probably also a nice vacation for the actors who could hang around a boat in the sun for a few weeks. I like it and Greydon Clark sure knows who to make non-boring movies, at least what I’ve seen so far.
This could be a perfect movie for Code Red to release by the way, and I would love to hear a commentary on this from the director and a few of the actors. Uninvited is so absurd, so silly and crazy and that’s its hard not to like it!
Like this mutant horror movie. Hope there will be sequels as this low-budget horror film.
Hope there will be low-budget sequels of this film soon.
The cheesier idea for the sequels of this film is about the other two mutant cats the black colored ones who are twice as poisonest monsters that not only they attack and poison people but the humans will even transform into human flesh swelling deforming mutant freaks, than they all exploded in horror. That would be very horrifying creepy and cool.
Really like this 1988 movie 'Uninvited.' when the mutant killer cat bites people then they all get their skins explode. Should make millions more cheesy Body Bursting Mutation Films soon, and use over 60 more air-bladders special make-up effects and use more real monster puppetry effects.
Really should make millions more cheesy Body Bursting Mutation Films almost similar to this movie.
I think that all the new low-budget horror filmmakers should make millions, and millions of more Body and Blood Vain Bulging Mutant Horror movies with all the weird, crazy Special Makeup Bladder Effects and all the Puppetry FX like the ones what real horror filmmakers did in the 80's. And they really should make Seven Sequels about this horror movie... 'THE UNINVITED' about this chemical mutant cat that poisons people than infectes their bodies by bursting their blood vain skins out.
Definitely hope that sooner they will make a lot of horrifying sequels about... 'UNINVITED' horror films.
I definitely think that they oughta make a lot of sequels about this movie.. 'Uninvited.'
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