I have a lot of favorite blogs, and each of them often have a special interest which also interest me. For example Rubbermonsterfetishism (monsters and... yeah, monsters!), Backyard Asia (weird Asian movies) and so on. I don't want to really leave anyone out, so check on the right side of this blog and you'll find links to a lot of awesome blogs from around the world!
One blog that I want to recommend extra much today is Cinezilla, which focuses mainly on European genre movies (but there's a lot of other countries too). What makes Cinezilla extra awesome is that Jason Meredith, the esteemed journalist (and that's not an overstatement) really goes that extra mile to analyze the movies, find references that no one else thought about before (his article about Tarkovsky vs Fulci is legendary for example, even if he seem to not take himself seriously there - but I think it's extremely interesting) and really takes our favorite trash-favorites seriously, like no one else. No ironic tongue-in-cheek here, at Cinezilla movies is art even if the director is Bruno Mattei.
So, give him a visit, follow his blog and add a link from your blog and homepage! NOW! ;)
too kind... too kind...
Cinezilla is a king among kings. A conquering Caesar parading his troops. A man among men.
If there were any justice in this world people like me would be shipped off to the Gulag for our incompetent drivel and this man be given eternal life in Nirvana (or Ozzy's house).
Word, Jack!
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