It's just not fun anymore. The visitors is getting less and less, everything has been written. There's nothing new to add to genre cinema writing.
I know I've said it before, but always come back. This time I must go on and quit Ninja Dixon while I still have some interest in this once so magical artform.
Might start over someday, under a different name. It's just not important.
Take care.
King Kong Escapes (1967)
14 hours ago
Too bad. You'll be missed.
"It's just not fun anymore. The visitors is getting less and less, everything has been written. There's nothing new to add to genre cinema writing."
Well.....sad to hear.....I hope you come back to this website.
At least I got all your old posts.
Take care ninja.
oh crap. I'm sorry i found your blog so late. You've built an awesome body of work here that I'll keep coming back to. Thank you and best of luck. If you ever need a hookup into Indian cinema drop me a line. Cheers Ninja!
Thanks mates.
I think I'm just way too bored with this blog, this site... it's like coming back to a job you've learned to hate.
I need something new. I will let you know here on the blog if I manage to do something else, still focusing on movies I love of course.
You guys - and the rest of the visitors - are the best thing with doing this. But I've noticed my own writing is feeling less and less inspired and I'm writing because I feel a must to and not because I want to.
Thanks, I've appreciated this run a lot! :)
Every weekday morning I check for a new "Ninja Dixon" in my list of feeds, so I am sad that you are leaving. You have brought me much entertainment and happiness.
Please keep your blogs available, as I revisit them often. What you have created is a lasting work.
Have you ever considered publishing the entire blog in a book?
Really sad to hear... :-(
I'm sorry to hear that you've made this decision. Your blog has lead me to find a bunch of great films these past few years, and I'll always be grateful to you.
Whatever you decide to do next, be sure to do it for your own pleasure and not as "a job" for others. I actually shelved the review I told you I was working on, because I'd rather be working on my own stories than writing about some one else's work; so I now how it feels to do something without wanting to.
Please leave this site up for future reference and visitors, and remember to keep in touch. I hope to see you continue acting and writing screenplays.
Best Wishes,
A new Jess Franco film is coming out this spring. I want you to review it. Be it here or on FB or elsewhere. Your voice matters!
I'm trying out a new blog site in secret. I want it to be more personal, less factory-style reviewing. More quality, less quantity. More general film-related articles and columns. But with focus on the same Ninja Dixon-style movies I - and maybe we - love so much.
Watch this space. Cross your fingers I'll make it to the other side of writing.
Ninja: But you could do just that on this website......just give it some time.
Also you don´t need to crank out a review a day....only when you feel like it.
No, I need to start all over.
you've done awesome work here man! haven't visited in a while and saw this! glad you haven't stopped writing. checking out the new blog now :)
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