Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gonggoi the Beast (2002)

To be honest, there’s really nothing interesting to write about this failure. Another shot-on-video (not bad looking either) horror from Thailand, this time with the monkey-spirit Kong Koy as the baddie. He likes to rip people’s entrails out, eat them and also suck the energy from the bodies. Just a pity the budget was to low to show any gore.

But if you want to see a bunch of Thai teenagers dance to very, very lame covers of Beat It, Footloose and other hits of the eighties, talking about nothing and then die off-screen, this is the movie for you. If they had focused on the professor and his assistants in the beginning, making it more of an adventure-style hunting-movie with a gory body count deep in the jungle – this could have been something.

Maybe you think this screenshot look fun? You’re wrong, because this movie also boasts one of the worst monkey-suits ever. Makes Queen Kong look like Jurassic Park in comparison!

That’s it, next time I need a good DTV-movie from Thailand!


  1. Haha. Sounds bad.

  2. Yeah... and as you might now, I can find something good and watchable in all movies - but this time, it was hard. It looks good at least.

    The main problem is that the script is boring - nothing happens - and that they spent to much money on cheap covers than on gore effects :)

  3. LMFAO. "spent more money on cheap covers than on gore effects" Epic Ninja, epic.

  4. That monkeysuit looks like it was coming from Buttericks.

  5. Probably the Thai-version of Buttericks! :)


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