Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is how a hallways should look when you come home...

The Sender, The Lodger, Eden Log, The Ripper, The Last Winter and Executive Target. Low and high, good and bad. I have an inflammation in the foot, so I can't hardly walk, so this will be perfect viewing material for a couple of days now.


  1. That sight can bring a tear of joy to ANYONE'S eye!

  2. David: I sure will, hopefully there's a lot of explosions for me in these movies :)

    And I haven't answered your Thriller-posting yet, because I have no clue about to write! It's like I'm totally empty of Thriller nowadays!

  3. No worries sir...I just wanted to add my own little memory in. I don't know if I ever thanked you in public-at least enough. I still have the "Chrome" Liners in a file somewhere and believe me, you were front and center.
    I was thinking of you when I was waiting in line to get Christina's autograph, wish you could have been there!

  4. That's a sight for sore eyes. Excellent.

    Hope your foot get's better soon.



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