Thursday, January 21, 2010

Galaxina Entertainment - New DVD-company in Sweden

When every DVD-company in the world are in trouble, the Swedish ones flourish like never before. This is the third company from the same gang of people, but each one with different owners. Studio S, Njuta Films and now Galaxina Entertainment. No website or movies revealed yet, but I know that's some interesting stuff is coming. The owner is a woman with very, very good taste. 

More news on this when I know more :) Or just ad them on Facebook and you will probably notice any news even before I do ;)


  1. Woman with very, very good taste. Must be fantastic releases of Bud Spencer movies?

  2. Any new DVD company is good news! Especially in the area of cult and non-mainstream movies.

  3. A new DVD company is always a positive thing.

    Glad to hear DVD is healthy in Sweden.


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