Here's the seven blogs I nominate for a Kreativ Blogger Award - and believe me, this was hard to choose because I read a lot of excellent blogs:
- Because he, like me, took the brave step into english territory with his blog and continues to spread the word about monster-movies, ghost-flicks and awfully dry brittish thrillers. And I know, he likes Gamera almost more than Godzilla - but he's a nice person anyway ;)
En lejemorder ser tilbage AND When the Vietnam War raged... in the Philippines
- Both run by Jack, a man who has a huge knowledge about Philippino action movies and more or less everything yellow and violent. At least from those parts of the words that aren't Japan. I consider him a great person, even when we don't agree on stuff.
Phantom of Pulp
- The total opposit from me, because he dares to write intelligent and thought-provocing stuff about... stuff. I love that blog.
Billy Loves Stu
- The world needs more gay-themed horror blogs and Billy Loves Stu is the one I'm always reading for a good a laugh or some hunky photos from some old slasher movie.
Black Hole Reviews
- Another blog I'm always returning to. Like some of the gentlemans above here, he as a fantastic taste in movies and I can read there without getting angry because he don't agree with me ;)
Weekend Video
- Lizzard is a man that can upset me like few, but that's good because after all the people that have the same taste like me it's great with someone who actually don't have the same taste in, I would say 70 percent of the movies he reviews. But still, I can't stay away from there!
I could have nominated seven more, but it has to stop somewhere... so that's it folks. But first the rules and those seven thing might not know about me.
Now, in receiving these great accolades from Blogging peers there is a code of etiquette that quite properly requires the recipients adherence. The Rules are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award
2. Copy the logo and place it on your Blog
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award
4. Name seven things about yourself that you think people might find interesting
5. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers
6. Post links to the seven Blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the Blogs letting them know they have been nominated
And here's seven things you might know about me, which is scary because I really don't want to tell so much about my life nowdays... but here it comes - and it's egomaniacal to the max!
1. I co-produced the movie that Aftonbladet, the biggest newspapers in Sweden, awarded "The worst swedish action-thriller ever".
2. I starred in a horror movie that's considered by all the biggest media to be the worst horror movie ever made in Sweden.
3. You can find my name in one major lexicon, as it's own subject too. Weird.
4. A guy wrote a song about his tragic love to me, gave it to a popular euro-trance star - who had a big hit with it. But you will never know which song. It's just embarresing. And stupid.
5. I was so closed to get married in 2006. Puh. It's a scary fucking thought.
6. Ah, and yes... I have another song written about me - but... it's about zoophilia! And the people who wrote it and recorded it are my friends... even more weird.
7. The proudest thing in my life: my father was an extra in a swedish-german sex-comedy in the seventies once. Something I will never let the world forget.
Ninja, I am humbled. Never been nominated before. Feels good!
Yours is well-deserved, of course. Terrific to see the not-so-obvious getting noticed.
Thanks Ninja, I don't know what to say...but fear not, I'll come up with something.
I´m deeply honored for this nomination. Thank you so much for this and even if we don´t share the same taste im movies sometimes i always enjoy your writings :D
Youré da man!
LOL. Congratulations Fred!
Keep up the great work!
Congrats. But I'm trying not to be offended that my blog has never been nominated for one of these things. Oh well. Great for you though!
Jared: Believe me, one day you will get one too, because your blog is fantastic!
Haha, we've disagreed on one slight political detail and you bring it up, LOL. Anyhoo, that's fair enough and needless to say I'm thrilled to bits that you nominated me for the award! Thank you very much, Fred!! xD
Jack: actually I forgot a little smiley after those words, so they seemed more serious than they are :)
But I'm serious with that you have a fantastic blog(s), and you deserves an award :D
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